Well it is nice to know that if you are a war criminal who wants to commit a genocide, just do it during the week of xmas/new years, because the most powerful governments in the West won't want to bum their citizens out. Never thought I'd see the bombing of refugee camps and wanton killing of children being so uncompassionately reported on. I guess protecting children only counts if they're American and the threat is some imaginary trans boogie man. With New Years around the corner, I'm sure we can solve this problem, by making our New Year's resolution to be forcing our government to stop a genocide and lose a few pounds, both equally important. #lifegoals
The Palestinians are cry bullies that throw punches and then go hide behind liberal white people in other countries, and they keep electing terrorists who want to eliminate Jews like Hitler did. I know you've already written off my opinion here probably but the fact people will politically support Nazis as long as they have the right skin shade is crazy to me, but what do I know. I'm glad your elected Democrat officials don't have the same opinions as you do even if they won't tell you so, and that fills me with some level of satisfaction about the whole thing. No country should have to put up with the level of shit that Israel has, and people will never forget what happened in October, with children and gradparnets raped and slaughtered in front of their families, as much as they gloss over it. If people wanted an Islamic middle east, it's their fault for losing the war. And Jews were there first before Hadrian tried to kill them all and moved in the Arabs.
The Palestinians have not had elections in over a decade. Hamas is a terrorist organization that presented themselves as centrist and wanting peace with Israel before puling the rug out from the Palestinian people. Hamas has kidnapped, tortured and killed Palestinians who advocate for peace. To say they keep electing terrorist is the equivalent of saying Afghans elected the Taliban. You should also look into what Israelis think, the vast majority want peace and do not agree with Netenyahu, whose regime have made it clear they want all Palestinians out of Israel. Also, I do not vote Democrat. I'm glad to know that you avidly watch right wing media and parrot back their talking points. At the end of the day, dropping bombs on refugee camps and hospitals is inherently wrong, if we can not agree on a point as simple as that, which I know we can't, then there is no reason for us to have a conversation.
We have talked before and we both know you aren't looking to have a discussion, you are looking to insult me. I honestly do not understand why you even message me as most of the time you are ignored. I doubt my art interest you, we share no similar interest and our worldviews are diametrically opposed, so why even message me? Really the only thing we share in common is that we are both Glee's friends and that is not enough of a reason for us to interact with each other. I could understand if you disagreed with my viewpoint and wanted to have a discussion where you layout your points to give me wider perspective, after all the Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most complex geopolitical issues to take on. If that is you intention, then you are going about it the wrong way, you are lacking in your ability to communicate in a way that leads to meaningful discussion. You talk like a pundit on a cable tv news show. At the end of the day this will be a completely fruitless effort for both of us.
I doubt you'll just let this be the last word, so just to get some of your favorite points of attacks out of the way, here we go. I am not a Democrat and think Biden is a senile twat who should have never been elected to office. I think the same thing of Trump. I am not unemployed or on welfare, I work a middle class job at a great company and make middle class money. Yes, I have been unemployed and on welfare before, tends to happen when you have arthritis so bad you can't walk around your own bedroom without a cane. Yes, I am bipolar and know I have quite a few bad takes and weird views and that my mood swings can impact how I view things. I'm sure you will find other things that are in no way related to the topic at hand as way to respond, that's fine, you can have the last word.