I always love when you do Dragon Quest art, because it's some of your best. I don't know if it's just because the original designs are that good, the style just fits your wheelhouse or you like the art so much you go all out on it, but it's always impressive. I've always wanted to try these games, but have no time to game or gaming system.
You are right about the girls all having a certain design motif, but hell if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I do like how you got so much personality into the faces. Aira looks like a sly hellraiser, with that devilish grin. Geruda is giving off definite your pissing me off energy, she looks like she takes no shit. Oruneze looks calm and confident, then again if I could swing an axe that big, I'd probably be pretty calm. I don't know anything about these girls, so I'd be interested in seeing how close I got to their personalities based on your art.
Now the real question, which one is your favorite?